Broadway Logo


Longview, WA, USA



Developing good attendance habits at this age level is essential for the success of your child for the remainder of their educational years. We also know there are circumstances that a student is unable to attend.

When your child will be absent from Broadway, please fill out the form on the right or call our main line at 360.575.7429. If you call before our office opens, please leave a message with your child’s name, the date and reason for the absence. 

If your child rides the bus, transportation also needs to be notified, so the bus driver knows not to pick your child up.  When you call the office, we can transfer your call to transportation or you may dial them directly at 360.575.7866.

Absence Form


If your student is unable to attend school then please fill out the following questions.
Student's Namerequired
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Is your student late or absent?required
Will your student need a hot lunch?required
Reason for Absencerequired
Symptoms if Sickrequired
Your Namerequired
First Name
Last Name